Fundraising is a core activity focusing on helping
organisations in need. Without the support of contributors or needy hands, much
of the good deeds done for various organisations would not be possible. Charity
fundraising is the most effective way to keep their cause alive. It is actually
a helping hand for organisations to grow and thrive in the circumstances of
limited funds. Though, the main aim of fundraising is helping nonprofit organisations
to raise the income, but this process is actually taken as a source of fun.
Many organisations perform several sporting challenges and activities in fundraising
Fundraising is a source of income for most of
the charities and some of them receive 100 percent of their income through these
charitable activities. In order to obtain the most out these activities,
organisations must know how they should conduct their fundraising events. Below
are some recommendations and requirements regarding charity fundraising events
that should be followed by organisations.
Raised Fund should be Used for Genuine
The funds raised for a particular cause must
be used for that cause only because it is one of the important activities for
churches through which they receive money. As the organisation has promised to use
it for a genuine cause, they cannot break the trust of contributors by using
this money for refurbishing their organisation’s building or any other activity.
Therefore, donors must be informed prior to fundraising that their money will
be used for a fruitful cause. The
organisations should provide proper documents detailing what exactly will be
done with their money and this information should be accurate.
Data Provided in Charities should be
When people give donation to organisations,
they provide their personal data as well so it’s the responsibility of organisations
to keep that data safe according to the Data Protection Act 1998. Make sure to tell
people how exactly their data will be used. More and more organisations are
using Church Management Software to
protect and maintain the data in more structured way.
Fundraising Events should be Safe:
Whatever the activity you are going to organise
in the fundraising event, you need to make sure that it should be safe and the
location you choose for the event should be easily accessible to people. As anything
could happen at any time or it is impossible to protect against all risks, so
it is worthwhile that your event should be covered by the relevant insurance
Hence, charity fundraising
event should follow all the legislation including data protection, health and safety.