Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Boost Church’s Donations with Online Giving – The Best Donor Management Software

The majority of the churches experience a decline in the number of the donors during the vacations and at the time of bone chilling cold. When the climate is harsh during the snowstorm and rain the churches have to cancel events and services for safety of visitors. This decreases the number of guests coming to the churches for donation which is beyond the human control.

Online giving is a type of church management software which is becoming the most widely used application to overcome skipped donations. It is multipurpose software and platform independent as it can run on Mac, Apple, Microsoft and other operating systems. Donors can contribute by imploding details of their credit / debit card, Direct Debit, PayPal, etc. through online giving. 

Whether it is the seasonal dip or lack of contribution from your donors online giving is an ideal solution to boost the offerings to the church. 

Here are the ways through which online giving can be advantageous for the churches -
  • Encourages Donation with Simplicity – Online giving makes it easy for your church community members to schedule donations at regular intervals. It also amplifies the overall rate of offerings as members just have to set up an account once to donate desirable amount of money at just a click of a button. As a consequence the church receives donations from people both during the working days and on the weekends.
  • To Adopt Preference of Donors- People especially from the younger generation are using electronic cash for transaction instead of physical form of money. Donors prefer using e-checks and e-money because their donations are directly sent into the church’s bank account ensuring there is no accidental loss of money. 
  • Wider Reach -Today there are churches which work not only for their own suburb but run online campaigns, sermons and other activities to outreach the problems of people other than their locals. If the church has a prominent presence online it can announce a crusade and collect funds to help people in various locations. This is because people from all over the globe can approach church for making donations. 
  • Express Thankfulness Instantly - To cultivate an everlasting bond with the donor expressing gratitude is incredibly significant. Manually you will note the names of givers into your church ledger and post thank you cards consuming a lot of time and recourses. With online giving you can keep a track of all donors at your fingertips. Both you and the donors can know how much they have donated, the church where the donation was made (in case of parish) and its purpose.

The church and charity management software consist of the most effective tools to master the art of managing your visitor to the website and turning them into donors. Using online giving for your church is the best way to value your donors and motivate community members for donation.

Monday, 28 August 2017

7 Ways Church Management Software Support Your Leadership Roles

From the beginning, church management software has been a tool to measure the contributions made by the members of the church community.  The use of ChMs is an innovative approach to explore the insights of the ministry processes and for demystifying the role of church leaders.

Here are a few ways of utilizing ChMs in decision-making and supporting leadership roles –

  1. Track the Volunteers – Scrutinize what are the volunteers working on and is there anyone who is not serving or not allotted any task. 
  2. Growing Generosity – Know the donor trends and habits of the contributors to measure their commitment to your church. Moreover, you can also draw budget, organize your online giving and share goals for the ministry using the ChMs.
  3. Promoting the Growth of Small Groups – Check out the members of small groups - Are they working together?  Do all of them attend the event? Is someone drifting away from his/ her group? Get answers to such questions through the church software to expand the visibility of the groups in different events.
  4. Connecting with members – Assist yourself in turning your guests into fully engaged members through the alerts, invitations and follow ups.
  5. Be More Accountable – On certain occasions, you would not be in the church to welcome guests primarily because you have to attend some meetings or conduct paperwork for the government authorities. Using the ChMs you can inspect whether the volunteers are operating on the right strategies and tasks irrespective of the functions they perform and also give the staff instructions virtually. 
  6. Cost Effective Communication – ChMs is the most powerful means to communicate with your donors as well as the church staff.   It cuts the cost of postage and publishing, at the same time increases your audience. 
  7. Passing on the Chores - Within the church community the leaders can decide a person who can share the leadership responsibilities and assign tasks to the church members according to their ability. The ChMs database can be used to know which member has been more dedicated towards the church and should be chosen to volunteer the leaders.  

Through ChMs you can get a better understanding of the implementation processes in the church which will help you gain more proficiency in conducting the leadership responsibilities and having a major impact on the visitors associated with your church.  In short, a church or charity management software is crucial for a healthy and escalating church community.

There are still some churches which do not use technology and manage their ministries manually.